3 Popular Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

3 Popular Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem experienced by men of varying ages. There are several underlying medical conditions and known triggers of this sexual disorder ranging from physical inabilities to psychological problems. And it is possible to treat mild to moderate dysfunction using just medications or explore surgical options and therapies to overcome severe cases of erectile dysfunction.

Following are the most common and popular treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Medications for erectile dysfunction
Certain classes of oral medications have been proven quite helpful for managing erectile dysfunction. Some may be available over-the-counter, while others might need a prescription to purchase from the local pharmacy. These medications are designed to improve the blood flow by promoting a natural chemical, nitric oxide in the body to stimulate the organ. Note that these medications may not directly promote an erection but simply enhance the signals sent by the brain to stimulate the function. However, it is a good idea to consult with a specialist to understand if there are any possible side effects of taking these stimulants. For people who cannot take oral medications due to underlying health conditions, there are several types of penile injections that are approved by the FDA. Alternatively, there are medications available in the form of pellets that can be inserted into the opening of the organ shaft to trigger an erection.

Vacuum pump or surgical implants
A vacuum pump is one of the popular treatments for erectile dysfunction and is commonly used as an alternative to taking medications or injections. It is a simple device designed to pump air out of the shaft of the organ and stimulate blood flow to trigger a natural erection. An elastic ring placed at the base of the organ further prevents the blood from rushing out to maintain the erection for a set duration. Note that it is generally advisable to remove the ring after 30 minutes to relieve the pressure. For people with certain spinal cord injuries or underlying neurological disorders, it may not be possible to naturally stimulate the organ. For such severe cases of erectile dysfunction, surgical implants are a more viable remedy. However, they are not always effective and there is a risk of infection or organ malfunction post-surgery.

Psychological treatments
Stress, depression, anxiety, and fear can also force the brain to shut down and be non-responsive to any type of stimulation. In these cases, it won’t be possible to get or maintain an erection unless the problem in hand is addressed using therapy. It is also possible for couples to experience these problems due to any unresolved marital issues that may cause psychological distress resulting in unsatisfactory performance. Sex therapy is one of the popular treatments of erectile dysfunction caused due to any type of neurological or psychological disorder. It is possible to schedule individual and group therapy sessions to address these problems and help overcome stress.