7 Food Types That Help Soothe Depression

7 Food Types That Help Soothe Depression

Dealing with depression is a tough challenge. Not only does it take a toll on our mental health but also physical wellbeing. Talking to someone about the condition can be beneficial, but certain lifestyle changes can help manage signs. Certain foods naturally aid in treating depression. Incorporating these foods into the daily diet will gradually make one feel changes in their mood. Zinc-rich Foods Oysters and other types of shellfish play a key role in mental health. The zinc present in them helps with brain activities and boosts concentration, behavior, and attention. Often, people with depression have low levels of zinc in their system. Oysters help make the balance and are also a rich source of vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and selenium. Healthy Fats Healthy fats like those found in nuts are good for the brain. Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are some of the foods that help soothe depression. Rich in fibers and proteins, almonds help with weight loss and reduce hunger pangs that may affect some depression patients. They also reduce blood pressure levels. Fermented Foods According to studies, probiotics and gut bacteria help in developing mental health. The reason for this is unclear, but certain foods like kimchi and yogurt can do wonders to soothe depression and its symptoms.
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6 Foods Asthma Patients Must Not Eat

6 Foods Asthma Patients Must Not Eat

Asthma patients suffer from breathing difficulties as a result of inflammation of air passages. This may be accompanied by excess mucus that can trigger coughing and make breathing more difficult. Asthma is characterized by shortness of breath and wheezing sound when breathing. Statistics suggest that one in 13 people in the country suffer from asthma. Listed herein are foods that can be avoided to prevent the worsening of asthma symptoms: Milk It is one of the top foods to avoid when suffering from asthma. One of the symptoms of suffering from asthma is excess mucus, making it difficult for one to breathe. Hence, doctors and nutritionists advise against the consumption of milk and recommend switching to Greek yogurt and other probiotics. It is also recommended to steer clear of milk products made from genetically modified cows as they could be high in fat. These milk products can also be added with preservatives, which can increase the risk of asthma. Eggs Eggs are generally healthy but can trigger a reaction in asthma patients. Egg allergies are common in children and cause hives and other skin reactions. It has also been observed that some people experience asthma flare-ups due to the consumption of eggs.
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4 Foods That Encourage High Cholesterol

4 Foods That Encourage High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a natural, organic compound that is found in our bodies. It is produced by the liver and is present in each and every living cell. The lipoprotein carries out various functions, from generating vitamin D to producing certain hormones. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are the two types of cholesterol, with the former considered dangerous and unhealthy for the heart. LDL, which is also called “bad” cholesterol, can be built up in the arteries and other blood vessels, restricting the movement of blood. This state, known as high cholesterol, can lead to heart attack and chest pain. Controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood is one way to prevent the problem, and diet is a major factor that determines its success. Other than our bodies, cholesterol is also acquired through food, and a diet rich in this oil-based substance can trigger many heart problems. In this article, we take a look at a few such foods that are harmful for those with high cholesterol. Egg yolks Eggs yolks are definitely nutritious, but they should be avoided for their high cholesterol content. A single egg yolk contains about 200 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol—a worrying number for someone with high cholesterol.
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5 Foods That Help Keep Osteoarthritis in Check

5 Foods That Help Keep Osteoarthritis in Check

Osteoarthritis, one among the most common forms of arthritis, affects the lives of many across the globe. The joint condition affects more than 32.5 million adults in the country. While it can affect an individual’s ability to carry out their daily activities due to restricted mobility, the condition and its effects can be reduced by adding certain foods to a patient’s diet. Read on to understand osteoarthritis and the foods that help manage it better. What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis affects a vast majority of adults across the world. This condition can affect various joints in the body, including the knees, hips, spine, and hands. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that covers the ends of the bones wears off. As the cushioning reduces, the bones rub against each other and wear down, leading to joint damage. This condition can be quite crippling, but the pain and other symptoms can be managed with the help of medication, regular exercise, and, most importantly, a healthy diet. How does food help with osteoarthritis? While many are aware of the effects the right diet can have on their overall health, food can also help osteoarthritis patients manage the condition better. Several studies have shown that certain foods and nutrients can reduce the inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.
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5 Things to Avoid When on a COPD-friendly Diet

5 Things to Avoid When on a COPD-friendly Diet

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a condition that causes chronic inflammation of the lungs. It can often lead to respiratory issues like shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, and excess production of mucus, which narrows the airways. Over time, COPD can potentially lead to serious complications like cardiovascular diseases, muscle weakness, and brittle bones. Certain dietary measures can help COPD patients, but here are a few dietary mistakes to avoid for managing the condition: Consuming excess salt Consuming excess salt can elevate blood pressure levels and increase a COPD patient’s risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, it leads to a large amount of fluid retention in the body that causes certain organs to swell up. It can also lead to swelling in the lungs due to excess fluid retention. Opting for dairy Other than the fact that dairy can be harmful to people with COPD who are also intolerant to lactose, it increases the production of mucus and adds to their discomfort. The consumption of dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk is also known to cause severe bloating and gas-related issues, which further constricts the airways and aggravates COPD symptoms, causing or worsening breathing trouble. Reaching out for fried foods and snacks Fried foods are greasy and heavy for digestion, and they can often cause issues like acid reflux, bloating, and gas.
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5 Healthy Snacks for Kids

5 Healthy Snacks for Kids

Children, in general, love their snacks irrespective of any amount of health warnings. Under these circumstances, it gets even more challenging to get them to stop munching unhealthy snacks. However, while there is no stopping them from snacking, you can surely switch them to healthy snacks. This means the taste and fun of snacking without unhealthy calories and preservatives. To help you out, here is a list of healthy store-bought snacks for kids. Probiotic Picks One of the yummiest and healthiest options to get your kid snacking on nutrient-dense food is by getting them a cup of yogurt. Yogurt is a rich source of calcium and protein, and its health benefits to the gut are extremely beneficial. If yogurt children do not like yogurt, you can try to get them some parfait cups. Flavorful fruit parfaits work perfectly as healthy store-bought snacks for kids, easing your worry about their eating habits. Snack Trailin’ If there are snacking options that meet your kid’s taste and your nutrition, why not grab all those healthy store-bought snacks for your kids? Trail mixes are just one of those things that meet the crunchy, sweet, and salty criteria. An eccentric mixture of dried fruits, nuts, and some berries will be a big hit with your children.
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6 Easy and Quick Naturally Sugar-free Snack Ideas for Diabetics

6 Easy and Quick Naturally Sugar-free Snack Ideas for Diabetics

Usually associated with genes and an unhealthy lifestyle, diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin. This causes glucose levels to rise up in the blood. Diabetics have to be careful about their diet, as glucose levels spike after eating. Instead of three large meals, it is advisable to have smaller meals interspersed with healthy snacking. This will keep blood glucose levels in a manageable range. Here are a few naturally sugar-free snacks for diabetics. Almonds and dried cranberries While dried fruits are not recommended for diabetics, dried cranberries are an exception. Adding heart-healthy nuts such as almonds to the mix makes for a wholesome snacking option. Almonds keep a person feeling full for a longer duration. At the same time, these limit the rise of blood sugar. A single serving consisting of two tablespoons is enough to satiate hunger cravings. Apples A small portion of a single apple is a healthy snack for those with diabetes. One can opt for a savory snack by topping apple slices with some low-fat Cheddar cheese. This cheese is rich in protein. For those with some sweet craving, apple slices with peanut butter spread all over is quite a fulfilling snack.
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Foods That Help Manage the Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Foods That Help Manage the Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness with severe symptoms, such as hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, inappropriate emotions, a problem with articulating thoughts, and lack of attention, to name a few. These symptoms restrict the patients and their families from enjoying a normal lifestyle and come with demanding needs that require time, effort, and adequate medical insurance. While medical care is a top priority in this condition, combining it with a well-balanced diet can help manage the symptoms of schizophrenia better 1. Fish Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which helps in reducing inflammation, prevents the progression of the disease, and manages the symptoms of schizophrenia. Additionally, they aid in good heart health. Sardines, mackerel, trout, herring, salmon, pilchards, shellfish are options rich in omega-3. And if you follow a vegan diet, you can opt for flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and other plant-based foods rich in omega-3. 2. Brown bread, brown rice, barley, grains A diet rich in fiber has many health benefits; it aids in digestion, lowers bad cholesterol, and prevents heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, which schizophrenic patients are likely to develop. Fiber-rich foods include more raw vegetables, fruits, pulses, legumes, lentils, oatmeal, and rye.
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5 Common Keto Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss

5 Common Keto Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss

The ketogenic, or keto, diet is a low-carb, high-fat way of eating that promotes weight loss. It has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the most effective weight loss diets in the world. If everyone around you is dropping serious pounds by following the keto diet, but you’re not, it might just mean that you’re making some basic mistakes that keep you from losing weight. Let’s check out some common keto mistakes people make and how to avoid them. You’re consuming too much protein People tend to associate low-carb diets with a high-protein intake, but keto doesn’t work that way. Keto is a moderate protein-intake diet, and the Harvard School of Public Health recommends that your protein consumption should not be more than 20 percent. If you eat too much protein, your body will actually convert it into sugar, which is another source of carbohydrates. So, make sure you get about 15 to 20 percent of your daily calories from protein, and prefer nutrient-dense, high-quality foods like seafood, meat, poultry, and eggs. Your calorie consumption is high Although the keto diet doesn’t emphasize counting calories, not being mindful of your overall calorie intake is a mistake that can keep you from losing weight.
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Simple Dietary Tips for Managing Ulcerative Colitis

Simple Dietary Tips for Managing Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is one of the main types of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) that affects the colon and rectum. A person suffering from the condition may experience frequent bouts of abdominal pain and discomforts coupled with fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. It is, however, possible to manage the condition and reduce the distress by making simple changes in one’s diet. Check out these simple dietary tips for managing ulcerative colitis. Plan the diet It is not enough that one simply eats healthy foods. A diet plan is essential for managing ulcerative colitis and it all starts by portioning out your meals throughout the day. For example, instead of having one or two big meals, one can spread out their nutrition intake by having six or more smaller meals. For colitis, it is essential to include more foods rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and essential folates. Simple preparation It is a good idea to pre cut and prepare most of the ingredients for the day to effectively manage time. Nutritionists also recommend using simple cooking techniques like boiling, poaching, steaming, or grilling, depending on the type of protein or carbohydrate (no complex carbs). Fresh produce and meats cooked in a simple manner and served hot help in managing ulcerative colitis discomforts to a great extent.
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