5 Common Foods to Avoid With IBS

5 Common Foods to Avoid With IBS

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have frequent abdominal problems like diarrhea, bloating, and cramps. One’s diet plays an important role while experiencing such discomforts. Eating foods like oats and kiwis may improve IBS symptoms. But, certain foods can do just the opposite. Few dairy products, raw vegetables and sweeteners can trigger IBS symptoms and worsen the condition. So, it’s essential that people who suffer from IBS avoid the following common food triggers. High-fiber fruits High fiber fruits can be troublesome for IBS patients. Anything that is not easily digested can worsen symptoms. Avoid apples, apricots and mangoes as they are common IBS food triggers. Add cherries, peaches, plums, bananas, and pears to this list too. Avoid having juices of these fruits too. Since the body needs nutrition, intake of other fruits is important. Try including fruits like grapes, kiwis, ripe bananas, and strawberries in your diet as these help with symptoms. Make sure these are eaten fresh. Dairy products Dairy products can trigger IBS symptoms instantly. High-fat dairy can cause diarrhea. Most people who have IBS, however, are unsure if milk is a trigger. This is because food triggers differ from person to person. IBS symptoms depend totally on the individual’s condition.
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Foods To Avoid with Hepatitis C

Foods To Avoid with Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C (or hep C), a viral infection that can result in permanent liver damage, is transmitted through contact with infected body fluids, particularly blood. The most common hep C symptoms are fatigue, unexplained fever, joint pain and swelling, fluid retention and jaundice. While there are new, effective treatments for the disease that can lead to a cure for some patients, often the symptoms of the infection can be controlled through an effective diet. There are a number of foods Hep C patients should avoid: 1. Raw oysters or shellfish Raw oysters and seafood can be dangerous for Hep C patients. Food-borne bacteria that is not killed through cooking can lead to infections, which can worsen Hep C symptoms. Uncooked seafood has also been found to contain Hepatitis A. Because Hep C can weaken the immune system, patients who consume raw seafood increase their risk of contracting another form of hepatitis. Finally, oysters are high in iron, which should be avoided by Hep C patients. Iron is processed through the liver, so additional iron can worsen the extent of liver damage. 2. Alcohol Alcoholic beverages have well-documented detrimental effects on the liver, so Hep C patients should avoid drinking such beverages.
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Foods to Avoid for a Good Night Sleep

Foods to Avoid for a Good Night Sleep

Every one of us dreams of getting a refreshing eight hours of sleep at night, if not more. With our chaotic lives and never ending stressors this is sometimes impossible to achieve. Yet adequate rest can help us have more energy, improve our moods, and our overall physical and mental health. If you find yourself struggling to get a good night’s rest you may need to look at what you’re eating. Here are the top foods that play havoc with slumber: 1. Chocolate One of the main foods that can cause sleep problems is chocolate. This sweet treat contains theobromine, which is known to increase heart rate and cause people needing help falling asleep. It is recommended that people avoid this food for several hours before falling asleep. 2. Cheese If you have a dairy intolerance or other dietary issue that is aggravated by cheese it is best to avoid it before bed. Even if you don’t have a sensitivity to dairy, it’s one of the most difficult foods to digest so if you eat it before bedtime, you may be kept awake by digestive issues. 3. Ice cream One food that is often enjoyed as dessert, but should never be eaten before bed is ice cream.
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