5 Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the malignant growth of cancerous cells in the prostate gland. Most prostate cancers are detected early, which gives one time to decide on the treatment. The method of treatment will depend upon many factors. This includes one’s symptoms, health history, existing medical conditions, and how far cancer has spread in the body. The complications of the treatment are discussed beforehand too. Based on the patient’s condition, these treatment methods are available for prostate cancer.
This method involves the removal of affected lymph nodes and the prostate through an operation. A urologist is a surgeon who uses this method to treat cancer. The type of surgery that one must undergo will depend on the stage of cancer. There are different surgical treatments such as perineal surgery, radical prostatectomy, bilateral orchiectomy, and robotic prostatectomy. Perineal surgery is a more traditional approach that causes minimal disruption to the bladder and urethra.
Radiation therapy
In this method, radiation oncologists use high-energy rays to destroy cancerous cells. Radiation therapy involves several treatments as per a decided regimen. So, most patients have a schedule to follow. In targeted radiation therapies, the high-energy rays are specifically limited to the affected area. This aims to minimize any complications surrounding normal tissues in the bladder and rectum. Types of radiation methods include external beam radiation therapy, proton therapy, and intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy is a treatment method in which the active production of testosterone is blocked. Testosterone can induce cancer cells to multiply in the prostate. Once its production is blocked, the cancerous cells are sent into remission. If prostate cancer is detected early, it’s possible that hormone therapy can be effective in causing the cancerous tumor to shrink and vanish. However, if the cancer is diagnosed in later stages, hormone therapy can benefit the patient by slowing the tumour growth.
Immunotherapy is a treatment method that aims at boosting one’s immune system to combat prostate cancer. In this process, white blood cells are trained to detect and destroy cancerous cells. Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) is a vaccine that has been approved by the FDA in the treatment of prostate cancer. It boosts one’s immune system to fight prostate cancer cells.
Opting for chemotherapy requires one to undergo a blood test to check if the blood count is normal. Chemotherapy can reduce the number of white or red blood cells in the body, and so, it is essential to have a sufficient normal blood count. Chemotherapy is usually supplied through an intravenous infusion or a drip inserted into a vein in one’s arm. The treatment may take around an hour. Chemotherapy can also be given via capsules and tablets; however, intravenous infusion is considered more effective in treating prostate cancer.