7 Important Dietary Tips to Help With Migraines

7 Important Dietary Tips to Help With Migraines

Migraines, accompanied with frequent and debilitating headaches and nausea, along with other symptoms can cause a lot of inconveniences. Some symptoms observed as a result of dietary habits can be specific to certain people, while others may be generally applicable. These symptoms can be tracked by maintaining a log of when these symptoms occur. Certain dietary changes need to be made to reduce the symptoms of migraines. Read on to know more about seven dietary tips to prevent migraines.

You can follow the dietary tips given below to reduce the frequency of migraines.

  • Avoid foods containing Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    One of the most common triggers for people suffering from migraine are foods containing monosodium glutamate. It is usually found in processed and snack foods and foods based on Chinese cuisines. Additionally, any foods that contain artificial additives labeled as ‘hydrolyzed ingredients’ should be avoided.
  • Reduce alcohol intake

Alcoholic beverages like red wine and champagne are known to be significant triggers of migraines. Aside from the effects of alcohol itself, the chemical compounds present in alcoholic beverages like tyramine or tannins can trigger migraines.

  • Avoid processed foods and meats
    Processed or canned foods, such as cured meats and canned fruits and vegetables, contain different types of nitrates and nitrites. These foods also contain excessive salts and MSG that are known triggers of migraine.
  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and legumes

Including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet will help keep your body healthy and prevent any impending headaches associated with migraines. For women who suffer from migraines during their periods, fruits and vegetables will help overpower the effects of estrogen in the body and prevent headaches.

  • Increase your magnesium intake
    Green and leafy vegetables are replete with vitamins and minerals like magnesium. The deficiency of magnesium in the body can be one of the reasons one is more susceptible to migraines. Foods like roasted pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, halibut, and almonds are all known to be very rich in magnesium.
  • Avoid Tyramine-rich foods
    An amino acid called tyramine is known to aggravate the symptoms of migraines and is present in foods like aged cheese, onions, citrus fruits, and cured meats. It is also important to note that as the food gets older, the tyramine content in such food increases. Additionally, it is also found in overripe fruits such as avocados and bananas. Furthermore, it is also found in vinegar, red wine, nuts, and leftover food.
  • Add more ginger to your diet
    Ginger is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is quite effective in blocking chemicals like prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are responsible for causing inflammation and migraine headaches. Furthermore, ginger can help in curbing the nostalgia that comes with migraine headaches.