Common Foods That Your Pet Should Never Consume
Can you resist not treating your pets with food when they sit next to you at the dinner table? Well, it is difficult, to say the least. Not all human foods benefit our pets. It is important to remember that our pets digest and assimilate food differently than us. Meaning, what we consider nutritious might be one of the common foods that can be toxic for them. Mentioned below are some foods that should be kept away from pets.
Who doesn’t love avocados? Considering its nutritional value, the creamy green fruit is loved by all, and we should all be grateful for its existence. But sadly, a certain compound in this fruit makes it toxic for our furry friends. In fact, if eaten by dogs, the fruit can cause digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, making them one of the common foods that can be toxic for pets.
Macadamia nuts
Like avocados, macadamia nuts, too, belong to the elite class of its category. These nuts also make it to the list of common foods that can be toxic for pets. On ingestion, they can result in increased temperature, muscle spasms, weakness of the hind limbs, and vomiting. Additionally, they pose a choking hazard for our pets, so it is best to keep them at a safe distance.
Foods with xylitol
Xylitol, as we all know, is a commonly found artificial sweetener in a lot of products. Apart from baked goods, this ingredient is found in gums, candies, and toothpaste. It is sparingly used in food products to replace sugar, and since we are all so sugar-conscious, xylitol is treated as a savior. However, what we fail to notice is its presence on the common foods that can be toxic for pets list. Its toxicity can lead to symptoms like a drop in blood sugar levels (because of excessive insulin secretion), vomiting, seizures, liver failure, and can even prove to be fatal in some cases.
A favorite among us and our pets alike, chocolates are one of the most common foods that can be toxic for pets. To be more precise, it is the cocoa’s theobromine and caffeine content that causes havoc. As harmless as they seem to us, these chocolates can lead to diarrhea, discomfort, increased body temperature, and vomiting when ingested by our pets. Consumption in larger quantities can lead to arrhythmia, seizures, hyperacidity, muscle tremors, internal bleeding, and sometimes even heart attack.
We love the effect the morning cup of coffee has on us. Nothing proves to be more effective in getting rid of the slump. This effect can be the opposite and more prominent when it comes to our pets. This can mess up their sleeping pattern. Sure enough, their sleep is not the only thing that made us include coffee in the common foods that can be toxic for pets. Coffee can alter their blood pressure, heart rate, and cause severe hyperacidity.