Foods to Avoid for a Good Night Sleep

Foods to Avoid for a Good Night Sleep

Every one of us dreams of getting a refreshing eight hours of sleep at night, if not more. With our chaotic lives and never ending stressors this is sometimes impossible to achieve. Yet adequate rest can help us have more energy, improve our moods, and our overall physical and mental health. If you find yourself struggling to get a good night’s rest you may need to look at what you’re eating.

Here are the top foods that play havoc with slumber:

1. Chocolate
One of the main foods that can cause sleep problems is chocolate. This sweet treat contains theobromine, which is known to increase heart rate and cause people needing help falling asleep. It is recommended that people avoid this food for several hours before falling asleep.

2. Cheese
If you have a dairy intolerance or other dietary issue that is aggravated by cheese it is best to avoid it before bed. Even if you don’t have a sensitivity to dairy, it’s one of the most difficult foods to digest so if you eat it before bedtime, you may be kept awake by digestive issues.

3. Ice cream
One food that is often enjoyed as dessert, but should never be eaten before bed is ice cream. This food is disruptive to eat before bed because it can result in a lack of sleep. The added sugar in this food can give your body a lot of energy and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

4. Spicy foods
If you already suffer from sleep problems or indigestion, spicy foods can exacerbate the problems and make sleeping very difficult. These foods can cause discomfort, indigestion and stomach problems. These side effects can all interfere with a good night’s sleep and therefore, should never be enjoyed right before bed. These foods have also been known to increase your overall body temperature, which can make sleeping more difficult, since most people like to be cooler when they sleep.

5. Bananas
Bananas may be a healthy fruit, but they’re best enjoyed in the morning rather than at night. Bananas are another food that’s hard for your body to digest and if enjoyed right before bed can make sleeping a very difficult thing to do. Try to eat this fruit about three hours before you plan on going to bed in order to get a good night’s sleep.

6. Processed snacks
Processed foods should always be avoided before bed because they are typically full of sugar, salt, and fats. These unhealthy snacks can cause stomach problems, indigestion and other health issues that make sleeping more difficult. Also, if you eat these foods before bed you are not able to burn off the extra calories before falling asleep. This can lead to weight gain and put you more at risk for obesity and other health issues.