Shaving Tips That Will Leave You Nic Free
Whether you are a fresher to the shaving camp or a pro, it never hurts to revise and revisit our techniques. No matter our expertise, we could still find something to learn and unlearn. For all the ladies out there who are trying to fit in a shave into their busy schedule, here are some safe shaving tips that we believe could be useful. Make sure to pass on this knowledge to your fellow girl bosses too.
We all know exfoliation is used to get rid of the dead skin and dirt. With that information in stock, it also makes exfoliation an important safe shaving tip. This will prevent your razor from getting clogged up with the waste products on the skin surface and provide you with a closer and cleaner shave.
Pay attention to the direction
Upward or downward? This is a conundrum we all have faced at one point. We have all been told time and again to shave in the direction of the growth, but how many of us really bother to do that? We have an insider tip for you, for a close and near-perfect shave go down first and then up.
Be gentle with the razor
One of the most important safe shaving tips is to be gentle on your skin. If you want to stay away from razor bumps and cuts, refrain from bearing down on your skin.
Replace and use
After a few uses, your razor is bound to go blunt. And the chances of corrosion after prolonged exposure to water and storage is high. It will do you good if you remember to replace your razor after every few uses.
Watch out for those wounds
Another safe shaving tip worth repeating: steer away from the existing bumps, bruises, cuts, and wounds. If you scoop through them, the razor can worsen the condition.
Knee expertise
Most of us tend to nick our knees when shaving. Here is a safe shaving tip from the experts— bend your legs. The nicking occurs where there are curves around the knee and the skin tends to be a bit loose when your leg is stretched. Bending your knee makes the skin taut and saves you from the cuts.
Pull that skin
That brings us to another important safe shaving tip: always ensure that the skin is taut when shaving. That does not mean you cannot shave the flabby and loose regions of the body. Don’t let that minor detail stop you.
Shave in short strokes
As satisfying as it is to watch yourself clear a huge strip of hair to expose clear, smooth skin, don’t give in to the temptation. Experts say keeping your shaving strokes short is the right way to go, and it makes for an important safe shaving tip. It works wonders if you have dry or sensitive skin that tends to suffer from razor burns. And if that is the case we suggest you try out razors that have moisturizing strip on them.