Tips for Letting Your Skin Age Gracefully

Tips for Letting Your Skin Age Gracefully

It is a little-known fact that the skin starts to age in or soon after the 20s. However, up to a certain age, the elasticity of our skin helps maintain the youthful glow and smoothness, due to which signs of aging may not be visible until later in life. These signs generally include fine lines, wrinkles, dark bags under the eyes, dullness, and patches. Taking proper care of your skin from the early stages is key to keeping it healthier through the years. Here are some skincare tips that you can adopt to protect and nourish your skin and enable it to age with ease and grace.

  • Stop smoking
    This is the best thing you will ever do for your skin. If you have a habit of lighting a cigarette regularly, then chances are that your skin may suffer more. This nasty habit is known to cause premature aging, exposing the skin to harsh and harmful chemicals that emanate from the cigarette. It also reduces blood flow, making the skin dry and vulnerable.
  • Use sun-protective products
    Sun protection is one of the most crucial steps that should be taken for your skin. In fact, even if you don’t resonate with any other tip from this article, you must surely take away this one (and the one about smoking, of course). With the increasing amount of pollution in the environment, the barrier between the earth and sun has weakened over time, leaving our skin constantly exposed to harmful UVB and UVA rays. You can either use a dedicated sun-protective product—such as sunscreen—or buy a product that has a good amount of SPF in it, in order to prevent/minimize the damage caused to the skin by the sun.
  • Moisturize
    Most of us lead busy lives, which leave us with little time for a dedicated skincare routine. Some also have habits such as taking extra-hot showers or extra-long baths, due to which the skin tends to dry out easily and quickly. Based on your skin type, it is important to pick a good moisturizer and use it regularly to keep your skin healthy, nourished, and hydrated. For those with dry skin, oil-based moisturizers are recommended, whereas for those with oily skin, gel- or water-based moisturizers may work the best.
  • Exfoliate
    Every single layer of dead skin gets built up on our faces and body, which must be removed gently so as to allow the skin to breathe and also to avoid clogged pores. Each person may require a different type of exfoliation product. If you feel the need to exfoliate every single day, then it is important that you choose a gentle product that doesn’t rub against your skin too harshly. On the other hand, if you exfoliate twice or thrice a week, then you can go for a coarser scrub that can effectively drive out all the accumulated dirt of the skin.