Top 4 Signature Cocktails You Will Find at Every Wedding

Top 4 Signature Cocktails You Will Find at Every Wedding

If you prefer classic cocktails over the obscurely-worded cocktails, you’ll always be in luck because they’re made available at all events. The latest cocktail trends can never outshine the classic signature cocktails and it’s a fact. Every event, party, or a wedding brims with ingredients required for popular signature cocktails, for there are many who enjoy their classic drink.

So, if you’re at a wedding, it’s safe to ask for the below signature cocktails without being intimidated by a bespectacled, waist-coated mixologist.

This classic cocktail dates back to the 1930s and is just as popular and is counted among the favorite drinks even today. All it comprises is tequila, lime, crushed ice, fresh mint leaves, soda, and is served in a glass with salt on the rim. Although it sounds perfect for a summer wedding, this signature cocktail is made available at every wedding. Expect a variety of twists as this drink comes in many different combinations of fruits and herbs.

Asking for martini is another safest bet to make at a wedding bar. This gin-based drink from the mid 1800s is claimed to be made by a bartender in Martinez, California, when he was asked for champagne but had none left to serve. Instead, the bartender made a drink out of the ingredients in hand and that was the birth of our country’s iconic drink – martini. While this is one theory of martini and there are tonnes that claim different facts, we know for sure that martini is never going out of style. This drink is made with gin and vermouth, and you can select your own garnish— olives or lemons.

Old fashioned
Okay, so let’s be honest and admit the fact that we all took inspiration from Don Draper in Mad Men and gave the famous old fashioned a go. This drink is made with whiskey (mostly bourbon), muddled sugar and bitters, soda and is served with a twist. Its invention takes us back to the 1800s, that’s how “old-fashioned” this drink really is. Many sources claim that bartender and aristocrat James E. Pepper from The Pendennis Club in Louisville invented the drink. This recipe was then taken to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel bar in New York City.

Long island iced tea (LIT)
If you choose this popular signature cocktail at a wedding, try and cap it to two rounds of this drink. We’ll tell you why. Vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and triple sec are drinks that are trouble on their own, and LIT is made in combination with them all. This world-(in)famous cocktail is known for its highest alcohol content which is a whooping 22% (approx). Well, it’s safe to say that most wedding hangovers are blamed on this killer cocktail.