Causes and Symptoms of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Causes and Symptoms of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a genetically inherited condition that weakens the voluntary muscles of infants and children and damages the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This condition can result in having trouble performing day-to-day activities like walking, sitting upright, controlling the head, and even breathing. This condition is passed on genetically, and there are no cures available for this disorder. Read on to know about the symptoms and causes of spinal muscle atrophy. Cause This condition results in changes in the composition of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) and survival motor neuron 2 (SMN2). These genes are responsible for the production of proteins necessary for the proper functioning of motor neurons. These neurons transport the signal of action from the brain to the rest of the body. Aberrations in SMN 1 cause spinal muscular atrophy, while aberrations in SMN2 are responsible for controlling the severity of the condition. Spinal muscular atrophy is a condition that is usually observed in babies and children. It is caused due to inheritance of a broken or mutated gene, found in chromosome 5, from both parents. Furthermore, there are different forms of SMAs that are not connected to aberrations in chromosome 5 and the deficiency of survival motor neurons.
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Home Remedies to Soothe Symptoms of Gouty Arthritis

Home Remedies to Soothe Symptoms of Gouty Arthritis

Gouty arthritis occurs when the body doesn’t flush out uric acid as it usually would, and instead, it mixes with the blood and tissues. The excess uric acid over a period of time then forms crystals in the joints, which usually begins with the lower body. Symptoms of gouty arthritis include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, severe pain, and limited mobility. Fortunately, there are ancestral remedies for gouty arthritis, and we’ve listed them below for you. Tart cherries Tart cherries aid in reducing uric acid, the main culprit of gout arthritis, preventing gout attacks. Along with reducing uric acid, tart cherries are packed with antioxidants that help relieve the pain and other symptoms of gout. Ginger Ginger is a potent herb that promises anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce uric acid levels. This ancestral remedy for gout is also backed by scientific studies that back this remedy, and ginger can be used both topically as well as internally. You can add it to your foods or have it in the form of ginger ale, and for topical use, boil the ginger root in water and use a soft cloth for warm compresses in areas with pain or inflammation. Elevate the affected area If you have swelling or a flare-up in your knees, ankles, big toe, or any other joints of legs, keep them elevated with the help of cushions or a table to retract the blood flow and fluids that cause swelling.
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Health Issues Impacted by Wearing a Face Mask

Health Issues Impacted by Wearing a Face Mask

Though they are important to limit the spread of infectious illnesses, face masks can be troubling. Remembering to wash your mask regularly, bringing it with you everywhere you go, and preventing that terrible fogging up of your glasses are daily annoyances that were not previously part of life. Many people also find face masks uncomfortable for breathing, particularly if they have any of these health issues: 1. Migraines There has yet to be significant research on whether or not there is a correlation between wearing face masks and suffering from migraines, but the link here is that if you are a migraine-sufferer, wearing a face mask limits how much water you are able to drink throughout the day — resulting in a higher chance of a migraine. Additionally, the pressure of your mask’s straps pulling on your ears over the course of the day might also have an impact. If you have found that your headaches are more frequent when wearing a face mask, consider these solutions: set a phone alarm to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day, manage your stress throughout the week by doing yoga or another form of exercise, and switch to a face shield (if the straps of your face mask seem to be the problem).
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Smells that Trigger Migraines

Smells that Trigger Migraines

Migraine symptoms are accompanied by severe and pulsing pain, generally on one side of the head. Migraines may be accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light, vomiting, and sound. Attacks often last for hours to days, and migraines do interfere with daily life. Warning symptoms for migraines can include visual disturbances, tingling on one side of your face, or difficulty speaking. Migraines may progress in four stages, prodrome aura, attack, and post-drome. Sensitivity to smell is one of the main causes of migraines and is called osmophobia. Almost 95% of migraine sufferers have attacks triggered by different smells. Different scents that can trigger migraines include: 1. Cigarette smoke Smoking and secondhand smoke are migraine triggers. Why? Nicotine in cigarette smoke is considered a vasoactive substance. Vasoactive substances can increase or decrease blood pressure and heart rate through vascular activity. The changes in blood vessel size in the brain and blood vessels shrinking cause migraines. 2. Food odors Osmophobia or increased intolerance to smells often precedes a migraine. Strong food odors like burning foods, cooking broccoli, salami, or certain cheeses can cause migraines. Some migraine sufferers report that cured, fermented, and pickled food containing the amino acid tyramine also causes migraines. The aversion to smells could be caused by a small olfactory bulb or the brain’s smell receptor that processes smells.
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Soaps That Trigger Eczema

Soaps That Trigger Eczema

Eczema, scientifically referred to as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition characterized by dry, itchy patches on the skin. Eczema is common in children. It also affects adults and teens. Types of eczema are, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis affecting the scalp. Symptoms of eczema include dry and flaky skin, itching of the skin, and red or gray patches on the skin. Some eczema triggers are food allergies, allergens from animals, and chemical allergens found in soaps. With children’s skin being delicate, using the wrong type of soap could flare up eczema. These soaps wash away the natural skin oils. Soaps that trigger eczema in children and individuals are: 1. Soaps with cocamidopropyl betaine The ingredient cocamidopropyl betaine, which is derived from coconut oil, poses risks. It contains chemical compounds that cause skin irritation. Using such soaps could trigger eczema symptoms in children. 2. Soaps with propylene glycol Propylene glycol is a common ingredient found in most soaps. It is known to flare up eczema symptoms and other skin allergies. According to, propylene glycol was termed as an allergen by the American Contact Dermatitis Society in 2018. It caused allergic reactions. Children and individuals suffering from eczema should avoid soaps containing propylene glycol.
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Soaps That Trigger Psoriasis

Soaps That Trigger Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition that affects the skin, causing red patches, itching, burning sensation, and thick silvery scales. It can also affect other parts of the body, such as fingernails, toenails, and even fingernail beds. The cause is unknown, but genetics play a role in this autoimmune disorder. Psoriasis is not contagious or infectious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. Excessive irritation and stress, a weakened immune system and certain medications are also common psoriasis triggers. Some soaps also trigger psoriasis conditions, like plaque psoriasis. Here are some of the most triggering soaps for patients with already sensitive skin: 1. Soaps with propylene glycol Propylene glycol is a humectant, which means that it attracts and retains moisture. It is often used in beauty products to keep them from drying out. However, this element can be very irritating for people with psoriasis and can trigger flare ups. This is because it not only attracts moisture but also strips the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Soaps that contain this ingredient should be avoided if you have psoriasis. 2. Antibacterial Soaps Soaps that contain antibacterial agents like triclosan and triclocarban are also best to avoid. These soaps may seem like a good idea in preventing bacterial growth and infection, but they can trigger psoriasis flare ups.
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Are Your Household Products Causing Lung Cancer? Find Out Now!

Are Your Household Products Causing Lung Cancer? Find Out Now!

The battle against lung cancer, particularly non small cell lung cancer stage 4 treatment, is a challenging one. The side effects of radiation for small cell lung cancer can be daunting, but what if we told you that the fight might start right in your home? Yes, some everyday household products might be contributing to the risk. We’ve compiled a list of these potential culprits, to help you be more aware and make healthier choices. 1. Air fresheners Many of us use air fresheners to keep our homes smelling fresh and clean. However, they often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are linked to respiratory illnesses and cancers. Some even contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. Instead of using these products, consider natural alternatives like essential oils. 2. Cleaning products From bleach to window cleaners, many cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful when inhaled. Ammonia and chlorine, found in many cleaning supplies, can cause respiratory issues and potentially contribute to the development of lung cancer. Opt for natural cleaning solutions when possible, or ensure proper ventilation when using these products. 3. Candles Candles, especially scented ones, can release harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene when burned. These chemicals are known to be harmful to the lungs and can increase the risk of lung cancer.
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